{"id":120766,"date":"2023-10-29T07:59:59","date_gmt":"2023-10-29T07:59:59","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/uklevitrasupport.com\/?p=120766"},"modified":"2023-10-29T07:59:59","modified_gmt":"2023-10-29T07:59:59","slug":"vladimir-putins-thugs-going-on-rampage-after-stints-in-ukraine-says-expert","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/uklevitrasupport.com\/world-news\/vladimir-putins-thugs-going-on-rampage-after-stints-in-ukraine-says-expert\/","title":{"rendered":"Vladimir Putin\u2019s thugs going on rampage after stints in Ukraine, says expert"},"content":{"rendered":"


Murderers and rapists freed by Vladimir Putin in exchange for serving in Ukraine are now wreaking havoc as they return to Russia, an expert has said.<\/p>\n

Emily Ferris, a Research Fellow in the International Security Studies department at UK think tank the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), also warned the Russian mindset was such that its people were willing to accept massive casualties as a consequence of Putin\u2019s war – resulting in what she called the \u201cmeat grinder\u201d narrative.<\/p>\n

Ms Ferris was speaking after reports indicated the Russian army was recruiting from jails across the country, following the example of the private military company the Wagner Group last year.<\/p>\n

Despite a lack of official confirmation, there is multiple evidence to suggest convicts are being sent to a unit known as Storm-Z, the Z being a reference to Putin\u2019s so-called special operation, the BBC reported.<\/p>\n

One former prisoner speaking to US-funded website Sever Realii said little regard was given to the safety of the men in the outfit, which he described as \u201ca total meat grinder\u201d.<\/p>\n

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Wagner forces train Belarusian army<\/h3>\n

Ms Ferris, who specialises in Russian domestic politics, said: \u201cOne of the serious problems Russia is having is that its reliance on convicts has had negative social implications back in Russia.<\/p>\n

\u201cOnce discharged from frontline duty they are, as according to their contracts, released from prison and their sentences are considered served, even if they\u2019re serving time for serious crimes like murder.<\/p>\n

\u201cThere have been a lot of alarming reports coming out of Siberian towns and villages particularly where recently demobilised men have been returning to villages and are engaging in the same crimes that they were convicted of, mainly theft, murder or sexual assault.\u201d<\/p>\n

There was not enough “psychological evaluation” of these people to determine whether they were fit to be released back into society, Ms Ferris pointed out.<\/p>\n


Neither was there adequate social help available to combat issues such as PTSD sustained on the battlefield, all of which makes it very difficult for them to reintegrate anyway.<\/p>\n

Assessing the implications of Putin\u2019s decision to continue recruiting from prisons, Ms Ferris continued: “There is I suppose the broader Russian military approach to mass casualties.”<\/p>\n

Referring to a comment piece which she and her colleague Dr Sarah Ashbridge had written for RUSI\u2019s website, she continued: \u201cEssentially this is explaining why the \u2018meat grinder\u2019 analogy has been a part of how Russia does warfare for centuries, and how this has permeated down to society.<\/p>\n

\u201cAlthough that\u2019s not to say people are completely fine with it, the mindset in a lot of Russians is that people are being killed in service of a greater cause, and that they have to accept a great deal of sacrifice to win the war.<\/p>\n