{"id":121874,"date":"2023-11-28T11:09:35","date_gmt":"2023-11-28T11:09:35","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/uklevitrasupport.com\/?p=121874"},"modified":"2023-11-28T11:09:35","modified_gmt":"2023-11-28T11:09:35","slug":"vladimir-putin-on-collision-course-with-top-ally-as-he-threatens-to-cut-funds","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/uklevitrasupport.com\/world-news\/vladimir-putin-on-collision-course-with-top-ally-as-he-threatens-to-cut-funds\/","title":{"rendered":"Vladimir Putin on collision course with top ally as he threatens to cut funds"},"content":{"rendered":"

Ramzan Kadyrov rages over US sanctions against his mother<\/h3>\n

Vladimir Putin could soon face the wrath of one of his closest allies after he threatened to cut off funds amid the growing economic pressure the war in Ukraine is fuelling.<\/p>\n

Putin is believed to be working on a new government decree ordering eight Moscow-controlled territories to cut the budget deficit if they want the Kremlin to keep funding them.<\/p>\n

Among the eight territories is Chechnya, led by Putin loyalist Ramzan Kadyrov \u2013 who deployed his troops to Ukraine to support the Russian Army in the war effort.<\/p>\n

Kadyrov admitted in the past that Moscow’s handouts were vital to keep the Caucasus republic standing.<\/p>\n

Chechnya received an estimated 300 billion rubles in January 2022, the equivalent of $3.4 million (\u00a32.6 million) today.<\/p>\n

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READ MORE: <\/strong> Russia ramps up attacks – Civilians killed as Putin’s heavily shells Ukraine<\/strong><\/p>\n


Kadyrov said at the time: “I swear to the almighty Allah, we won’t be able to last three months\u2014not even a month.”<\/p>\n

But while Russia continues to push forward with its invasion of Ukraine, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov has signalled the tap will be shut unless drastic cash-saving measures are taken.<\/p>\n

Russia has pledged to invest more in defence next year but last month doubts began to emerge on whether Moscow could hit its revenue targets in 2024.<\/p>\n

A miss would leave the Kremlin facing the prospect of increasing business taxes at the same time as the first doubts about the war begin to break through Putin’s well-crafted propaganda machine.<\/p>\n

Russian newspaper Kommersant, whose team first reported about the draft decree, said Ingushetia and Dagestan have also been ordered to tighten the gap between income and expenditure.<\/p>\n

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