‘I’m a caravan expert – owners are at risk of common autumn and winter problem’

Caravan owners could find their staycation plans are scuppered by failing to prepare this autumn and winter. 

Vehicle experts Ed-Lock have warned mould and damp could set in, causing carnage over the colder months. 

They warned dampness is a “common complaint” among owners with misty smells likely.

Ed-Lock warns every caravan is at risk of becoming damp over the winter due to poor weather conditions. 

But, simply recognising the signs of it and cleaning can allow owners to stop it from spreading around the vehicle.

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Ed-Lock explained: “Damp is an extremely common complaint amongst caravan owners particularly during the colder months. 

“Constant wet spells can leave moisture in the air which leads to a musty smell and dark spots of mildew, and later spreading to large damp patches.”


The specialists have urged road users to keep their caravan well-ventilated by opening windows as much as possible. Opening windows will increase the air circulation throughout the caravan, sending excess moisture outside.

Ed-Lock added: “Wipe condensation from windows and doors as soon as you spot it, particularly on cold mornings and when you are cooking.”

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Invest in a damp meter 

Moisture meters can be purchased online for less than £10 and could be a vital tool in a battle against dampness this winter. 

The devices are used to measure the amount of water in a given substance and are one of the best ways to identify any problems in your caravan. 

Ed-Lock added: “If you’re unsure if your caravan is experiencing damp, the best way to check is by purchasing a damp meter. 

“This will measure the level of water in the air. Any reading under 15 percent is considered fine, though a reading of 15-20 percent is worth investigating.”

The experts stress that areas prone to moisture build-up may benefit from installing a dehumidifier.

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One of the best ways to keep a caravan well-maintained is to simply clean it as often as possible. Ed-Lock warns motorists should clean the interior regularly to keep it in the best possible condition. 

Owners should wipe down surfaces with a disinfectant product but must make sure all surfaces are dry before they lock up.


Finally, caravan owners have been urged to never dry laundry inside the motorhome as this can cause condensation to build up. Where possible, this should be done outside or in a drying facility if staying away from home.

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