Furious Oliver Dowden compares Hamas killings with murder of George Floyd

Oliver Dowden asks where the ‘Jewish Lives Matter’ protests were

The Deputy Prime Minister has slammed the left’s hypocrisy, pointing out the lack of “Jewish Lives Matter” protests in the wake of Hamas’ slaughter.

Oliver Dowden criticised the ongoing pro-Palestine protests in the UK, saying it is “not acceptable to our British values that there should be that kind of intimidation”.

He voiced his disappointment that Brits did not go out to march en masse in response to the slaughter of Jews in Israel last month.

“If you look at the moral indignation and the clarity that we saw after the murder of George Floyd in the United States with the Black Lives Matter movement, we haven’t seen across civic society the same kind of moral clarity showing that Jewish lives matter.

“I think that is a cause of hurt to the Jewish community, and it is something that disappointed me as well”.

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He added we need to see such a signal across Britain and it university campuses, “that Jewish people are safe in this country, not just for the sake of Jewish people but for the sake of British society”.

Sky present Trevor Phillips replied: “That is quite a statement, deputy Prime Minister.

“Are you saying you think that there is a fundamental problem in this society’s attitude towards Jews? In the now famous phrase ‘Jews Don’t Count’, in the way some other minorities do?”

Mr Dowden, who represents a large Jewish contingent in his constituency, said people “need to understand that antisemitism is racism, full stop.”

“The same abhorrence we show to other forms of racism, we should show towards antisemitism.

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“If I look at what happens, for example, on campuses – and I’m talking about real life examples of constituents of mine and their families – there are children who do not feel safe on campus.

“That is not an acceptable state of affairs.”

He demanded the police start taking “very robust action” against pro-Palestinian protestors making Jews feel unsafe in London on a weekly basis.

Last night Home Secretary Suella Braverman warned ahead of a planned million-strong march next Saturday – set to clash with Remembrance events – that anyone who vandalises the cenotaph should be met with immediate and swift justice.

Speaking to Sky News she said: “If anyone were to vandalise the Cenotaph, they must be put into a jail cell faster than their feet can touch the ground”.

Asked whether she would ban the march, Ms Braverman said it was a police decision.

“It’s up to the police to initiate an application and they must do that within their operational discretion, their operational independence. And if they do that, I will consider it on the merits that they present to me.”

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