Humza Yousafs SNP branded bullies as Lisa Camerons husband quits party

Tories cheers as SNP MP crosses the floor

An SNP councillor has become the latest political figure to quit the party in protest over the way his MP wife Lisa Cameron was bullied before and after her defection to the Conservatives.

Mark Horsham, a councillor in south Lanarkshire, branded the SNP “divisive and agressive” in a parting shot to Humza Yousaf’s leadership as he headed for the exit to become an independent.

It comes after his wife Dr Cameron quit earlier this month and joined the Tories following more than a year of alleged bullying and being frozen out and ignored by the party.

In the days which followed the couple and their daughters were even forced to go into hiding because of death threats issued by SNP supporters.

Cllr Horsham, who has not followed his wife into the Conservative Party and did not quit immediately with her, decided that he had seen enough of SNP tactics and decided to become an independent.

READ MORE: SNP bullying and Sunak’s kindness ended a Scottish MP’s support for independence

In a statment put out this evening, Cllr Horsham emphasised that it was the treatment of his wife which had led to him making the decision to quit.

He said: “During the past week, my primary concern has been for the safety of my wife and children due to threats towards my family.

“Politics in Scotland have become divisive and aggressive and I do not wish to be associated with that type of politics, ethos or those continuing these ideals.

“I have also taken exception to personal slights from SNP members towards my wife including repeated refusal to acknowledge her mental health issues triggered by bullying behaviours which I have witnessed over a lengthy period of time.

“As a husband and a father of two young girls, it has been hard to watch those most recently belittling her adverse experiences as a woman in politics, which were patronisingly reduced to ‘having a tantrum’.”

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He went on: “I have always sought to work constructively within the party and cross party particularly in my role as Veterans Champion for South Lanarkshire Council.

“I always carried out my role within the SNP Group and as a councillor with integrity.

“I will continue to prioritise my local constituents alongside veterans’ services as an Independent Councillor within South Lanarkshire Council moving forward.”

Dr Cameron told that the last straw for her was when the party decided to protect sex pest SNP MP Patrick Grady instead of his victim.

After speaking out on the issue, Dr Cameron was isolated by colleagues.

She also came in for abuse for representing the views of female constituents who objected to Nicola Sturgeon’s controversial Gender Recognition Reform Bill which would allow people to change their gender from the age of 16.

This would have potentially included male rapists being able to demand that they could go to a female prison is they said they identified as a woman.

The Bill was blocked by the UK government.

Dr Cameron told that the SNP’s behaviour to her meant she would no longer vote for independence which made it easier her to join the Conservatives.

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