Rishi Sunak declares sick anti-Semite thugs face being kicked out of UK

Rishi Sunak visa warning to anyone committing antisemitic hate crimes

Rishi Sunak has delivered an ultimatum to any foreign national perpetrating antisemitic acts in Britain, warning they may be kicked out of the UK.

Former Chancellor Sajid Javid opened PMQs by saying it “saddens me and shames this whole house” that the events in Israel have caused a significant increase in antisemitic incidents in Britain.

“I am proud to live in the most successful multiracial democracy in the world, but it saddens me and shames this whole house that British Jews have been subject to such vile abuse and hatred in recent days.

“Antisemitism and all hate crimes fly in the face of British values, and we should not allow events abroad – no matter how horrific they are – to be used to sow seeds of division in our own country.”

Mr Javid demanded the Prime Minister urgently consider a specific policy of revoking the visas of any foreign national that commits an act of antisemitism or any other hate crime.

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Rishi Sunak said he agrees with his Treasury predecessor, pointing out that existing immigration law allows the Government to cancel visas if their presence in the country “is not conducive to the public good”.

The PM said he would not tolerate such hatred: “Not in this country, not in this century”.

According to the Community Security Trust (CST), which represents British Jews on issues of racism and policing, antisemitic incidents in the UK have risen a whopping 581 percent since Hamas’ attack on Israel.

CST say they recorded 320 antisemitic incidents between October 7 and 16, a sevenfold increase on the 47 recorded over the same period last year.

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15 of the 320 incidents were assaults, 14 damage to Jewish property and 244 incidents of abusive behaviour.

Publicly reported cases include a kosher shop in Liverpool being told over the phone “we are coming to get you”.

Two Jewish schools also had red paint thrown at them, and “Free Palestine, kill Jews” was shouted at the heart of a Jewish community in London.

Anti-Muslim cases have also increased three-fold according to Tell Mama UK.

PMQs struck a sombre tone, with Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak largely agreeing with each other’s comments on the Israel-Palestine situation.

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