Car valet’s three-word reaction after worst vehicle he’s ever seen

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    A car valet owner couldn't believe his eyes when he took on 'one of the worst' vehicles he'd ever seen, which was covered in mud, hay and used needles.

    The automobile, which looked like it had been plucked straight from a scene from a horror film, left the businessman wondering 'how the hell'?

    Craig Davies from Haverfordwest in Pembrokeshire, has been successfully running Premier Shine Detailing, a multi-award-winning company, for 11 years. But despite spending over a decade in the industry, he'd never seen anything quite like this.

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    In October, the 39-year-old came face-to-face with the now-infamous Volkswagen, which looked nothing short of horrendous. Consequently, he decided to take pictures, which gave a glimpse into the emotions that he must've felt in the moment.

    Craig told Wales Online: "I’ve had quite a few bad vehicles. I’ve had vehicles where there have been dead animals, I’ve had cars with mushrooms growing in through the carpet. But I’d say that this one was probably one of the worst of them.

    "My first reaction when I saw this car was: 'How in hell am I going to get this car done all in one day on my own?'."

    Remarkably, the owner of the vehicle didn't even bother to let the poor business owner know what he was in for.

    When asked if he had been tipped on what to expect, Craig replied: "Not really. They told me that the car was pretty dirty. Obviously, it had been used as a work vehicle for some time."

    Unsurprisingly, the task at hand was nothing short of colossal, but in a testament to his skills and formidable mindset, Craig got cracking and completed the job.

    He explained: "Basically, I had to strip everything out. I got rid of the rubbish and put them all into bags – anything that looked important, such as receipts or anything like that, would go into a separate bag unless it was obvious rubbish like sweet wrappers and stuff like that. It would be up for the customers to go through that and see if it’s something they need or can be thrown away.

    “Then, I started vacuuming up as much as possible. I wet-vacuumed all the seats and carpets. You can’t scrub by hand, you’d need a brush attached to a drill to get rid of the mud in the carpet – the dirt is almost ingrained in it. There was mud everywhere."

    He continued: "And then I used tonnes and tonnes of elbow grease basically. It took me around seven and a half hours in total, usually an interior clean would take me around two hours. I was very tired after; I didn’t stop for food or anything – it was seven hours non-stop. I just wanted to go home and have a beer, to be honest."

    While Craig never crossed paths with the owner, he claimed that he'd be 'blown away' by the results, which he uploaded to Facebook for the world to see. And with such a night and day change, unsurprisingly, the post caught fire, receiving 1.1k responses.

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    He laughed: "I expected it to go off a bit, but not like this. I do a lot of high-end supercars like Lamborghinis and so on, which get a lot of attention. But over the 11 years, nothing gets more attention than transforming an old filthy banger. Even people who aren’t interested in cars, they’ll take interest in this sort of transformation.

    "I’ll be honest, I’m getting a lot of cars that are not too far off from that condition. Not quite as bad, but more often than not, I do get farm vehicles and stuff like that."

    Elaborating on his service, he continued: "It’s basically just taking car care to another level. It’s not giving your car a quick polish and a hoovering inside; what I do is going into a lot more depth, taking out the seats, recolouring carpets, leathering repairs, collecting defects in the paint."

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