Hostages to be sent home but war to continue as Israel vows to eliminate Hamas

Israel has agreed to a deal with Hamas to release some of the hostages on either side during a four-day pause in the fighting.

In a significant diplomatic breakthrough, Hamas said it agreed to release around 50 women and children hostages from Gaza in exchange for Israel releasing 150 Palestinian women and children from Israeli jails, with Israel adding it would extend the lull by an additional day for every 10 hostages released.

Humanitarian relief, medical and fuel aid will be allowed into all areas of the Gaza Strip during the pause.

However, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has insisted that Israel will continue the war following the pause, saying: “We are at war and we will continue the war until we achieve all our goals. To destroy Hamas, return all our hostages and ensure that no entity in Gaza can threaten Israel.”

He said the intervention of US President Joe Biden had helped improve the tentative agreement so it included more hostages and fewer concessions.


Israel reveals Palestinian prisoners to be released

Israel has published a list of Palestinian prisoners set to be freed under the deal agreed with Hamas to release hostages.

The list appears to show 300 prisoners, which is twice as many as the 150 they agreed to – suggesting the list is long enough to allow for any last-minute legal challenges.

Hamas is set to release 50 hostages in return for 150 prisoners and a four-day ceasefire.

While the deal has been agreed by Israel and Hamas, there is still time for it to be reversed, as the Israeli public has 24 hours to petition against the planned release of Palestinian prisoners.

However, there is not expected to be much public opposition to the deal.

Good morning

Good morning from London. I’ll be bringing you the very latest on the war between Israel and Hamas. Don’t forget to check in for the latest updates.

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