Ice blue maps show when polar blast will freeze UK

UK weather: Met Office forecast further rain showers

A new weather map shows when a massive polar blast will freeze the UK.

The maps show a significant drop in temperature in the early part of November, just after Guy Fawkes night and Halloween.

In recent weeks, the UK has seen a marked drop in temperatures as it moves further into autumn and closer to winter.

This drop comes just weeks after an unexpected September heatwave and an unseasonably warm October.

The weather map shows temperatures falling below zero degrees across the UK and Ireland.

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The Met Office forecast for early November said: “Across northern parts initially fairly settled, cloudy and cool with a few light showers, more unsettled conditions will continue across central and southern areas with showers and some rain here.

“It is looking probable that very unsettled or stormy conditions will become established nationwide in the middle part of next week, with heavy rainfall, strong winds and temperatures close to the seasonal average.

“Moving into the later part of next week and the second week of November, there are signs of slightly less unsettled or more changeable conditions may become established.”

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They added: “During this time some drier and cooler spells with lighter winds will probably be interspersed with periods of rain and showers in some parts.”

While early November is expected to be defined by a sharp drop in temperatures, the final weekend of October will see the UK pummelled by more rain, a week after Storm Babet flooded many parts of the country.

Chief Meteorologist for the Met Office, Andy Page said: “The wet and often windy theme is continuing through the weekend for many, with plenty of showers and some longer spells of rain possible in some areas, which has the potential to cause disruption.

“The influence of low pressure is chiefly responsible for this unsettled period of weather, with various areas of frontal rainfall, some with embedded heavier downpours, generally moving northwards through the weekend.”

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Mr Page added: “For the east of Scotland, where rain is falling on very saturated ground, rain is likely to continue through much of the weekend, with a further yellow warning in force in the area from early on Sunday through to the end of Monday.

“The area then should develop a drier interlude for a short time at the start of next week.”

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