Insane moment Israeli navy bombs Hamas divers trying to covertly cross border

IDF says Hamas has attempted to infiltrate Israel from the sea

Footage has been released of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) taking out Hamas divers attempting to invade underwater.

According to the IDF, at least two Hamas divers attempted to access Israel via waters near Zikim, which is north of the Gaza Strip.

They entered the beach area close to Gaza via a tunnel.

The footage shows naval vessels attempting to lock onto the target before large explosions are then seen in the sea.

The two Hamas fighters were killed in the attack by members of Israel’s navy, who also targeted a weapons facility.

Specific details on how the infiltration took place have not been confirmed.

Following the update, Hamas’ military wing showed two of its fighters in scuba equipment on media sharing platform Telegram.

The men were also seen with assault rifles.

An alarm was used to alert the authorities of a suspected infiltration.

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This could be heard in border communities in Zikim and Karmia, territories located in the northern Negev desert.

The two areas have remained largely quiet after evacuations erupted following the initial October 7 assault.

Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, a spokesman for the IDF, said its Navy forces were continuing to search for any other suspected terrorists operating in the area.

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Hagari added that Navy forces – such as commandos – were working across Gaza City, and saw the two men enter the ocean via a tunnel.

He noted how the Navy fired at the divers and they were “currently in the process of making sure that there aren’t any more members of the cell in the sea”.

Later in the evening, the warning sounded again in Zikim, Karmia and Netiv Ha’asara – but the IDF’s Home Front Command said the incident had concluded.

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