Israel Hamas ceasefire to be extended as biggest aid convoy enters Gaza Strip

There is a “real” possibility the ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas could be extended, US President Joe Biden suggested on Friday.

As a first group of hostages kidnapped by Hamas on October 7 were being released, Mr Biden said their return home was the “start of a process” and that he “will not stop” untill all the hundreds of people captured during the terror group’s rampage in southern Israel were brought home.

He said the deal, brokered by Qatar, also involved “extensive US diplomacy”. The US leader added: “It’s only a start, but so far it’s gone well.”

While Mr Biden raised hopes fighting may be put off for more than the four days so far agreed, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stressed this temporary stop doesn’t mean his country is backing off from the fight against Hamas.

He said: “I emphasise … we are committed to returning all the hostages. This is one of the aims of the war and we are committed to achieving all the aims of the war.”

The first day of the ceasefire came as some 137 trucks of goods were offloaded by the UN agency for Palestinian refugee (UNRWA) in Gaza, marking the biggest delivery to date of humanitarian aid.



  • Hamas to release more hostages today 07:48
  • Hamas to release more hostages today

    Hamas terrorists are set to release a new wave of hostages on Saturday, in accordance with the ceasefire deal struck by Qatar.

    Seven weeks into the war, some of the more than 230 hostages will return to their homes.

    In return, a number of Palestinians previously jailed in Israeli prisons are to be freed.

    Good morning

    Good morning from London. I’m Alice Scarsi, I’ll be bringing you all the latest developments on the war in Gaza.

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