Married maths teacher had sex with underage pupils and sent nudes on Snapchat

A Christian school teacher has been arrested after allegedly having sex with two former teenage students of hers.

Married mother-of-three Chrystal Frost, 35, was teaching at Crenshaw Christian Academy in Alabama, United States, at the time.

She has since resigned from the school – which has the ironic nickname of “Home of the Cougars” – after she was found to have been sending naked images to a 15-year-old student using social media app Snapchat.

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The boy then showed them to his classmates, which led to police finding that she had been involved in a sexual relationship with the boy . . . and another 16-year-old.

Upon arrest, local media reports, she immediately confessed to the crimes.

The 15-year-old, named as GT, told Luverne Police officials that the pair met four times on a piece of land owned by his family and had sex.

Another meet involved her “performing oral sex on him” in a car, before the student ended the relationship.

The second student, 16, was also sent photos by the teacher and asked if he “knew a place” to have sex.

The offer was made after he left the school to be homeschooled.

They met on a farm where they allegedly had “oral sex and intercourse”.

A report from the police said: “The teacher made no conversations with him from arrival to ending of the sexual contact.”

Frost confessed to these sex acts too and has been charged with traveling to meet a child for an unlawful sex act, electronic solicitation of a child, two counts of a school employee engaging in a sex act, and two counts of a school employee distributing obscene material to a student.

The Daily Star has reached out to the school for a comment, but officials have so far declined to comment when asked by local news outlets.

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