‘Monstrous’ rapist cop David Carrick beaten ‘black and blue’ by lags in prison

Notorious rapist cop David Carrick has been forced to spend 23 hours a day in his cell after fellow cons attacked him.

Sources said the former Met Police officer was left “black and blue” after a battering. He now supposedly spends the majority of his time in his cell as he is too afraid to leave after an ambush.

An insider said: “He was badly beaten up so officers placed him in a single cell and he has practically no social interaction. He’s got a TV and is allowed 20 minutes in the gym each day but that’s about it,” reports the Mirror.

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Another source added: “The only thing prisoners hate more than an ex-policeman is a sex offender – and Carrick is both. From the get-go the men here were out to get him. He was a marked man. This was a pretty nasty beating.”

Carrick, 48, became one of Britain’s worst sex offenders after pleading guilty to 48 rapes against 12 women over two decades. The former firearms officer is serving a 30-year sentence at category A Belmarsh Prison in south-east London – home to Grindr killer Steven Port and Michael Adebolajo, who murdered soldier Lee Rigby in 2013.

The judge who sentenced him in February branded him “monstrous” with a “criminal mindset”. More than 10 people contacted local forces to report further offences after the two-day hearing, including sexual assault.

The fiend, from Stevenage, Hertfordshire, is feared to have begun his string of sex attacks in 2003, when he raped a woman at gunpoint before holding her hostage in his flat. A source claims he is yet to show an ounce of remorse.

They added: “He’s shown nothing at all – which just proves what an evil, sadistic character he really is. He doesn’t give a damn about his victims and most likely never will. “David is a narcissist. He’s far too full of self-importance to even consider the impact of his behaviour on anybody but himself.”

The Prison Service declined to comment on individual prisoners.

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