Putins double had two-hour telling off after handler called him idiot

The double of allegedly dead Russian President Vladimir Putin was given a “two-hour” telling off by a security chief said to be his handler.

The Daily Star has been following the bizarre claims that Putin died two weeks ago – something constantly denied by the Kremlin – and conspiracies remain rife of a lookalike replacing him in the seat of power. The double is said to be being managed by Russian Security Chief Nikolai Patrushev, who it has now been claimed gave the double a serious dressing down recently . . . for being an idiot.

The latest claims, posted on the General SVR Telegram channel by someone who says they are a “Kremlin insider," state: “Over the weekend, the handlers of the double of the Russian President had a moralizing conversation with him, trying to explain how and in what circumstances it is necessary to behave and what can be said and what cannot be said.

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For the latest news on Vladimir Putin's health, click here.

“This event lasted more than two hours, after which the backup was connected via video link to Nikolai Patrushev. The double immediately moved on to apologies and promises to continue to behave within the framework assigned to him by his curators, and to say, at meetings and events, only what was agreed upon in advance, without allowing amateur performances.

“Patrushev acted as a 'good policeman', allowing the double to deviate from the text, but only if it did not concern important topics, the list of which the double received in advance. In general, the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation praised rather than scolded the understudy, and after the conversation he became somewhat more cheerful.”

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An update was also given on the health of the double, after it was claimed that he tested positive for Coronavirus and had to “be revived” on a regular basis. The source has now said that the double has “almost recovered” from Covid, and that he “feels much better”.

Despite the continued claims from the source, a third denial over the death came from Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov last week, when he was attending the opening of a new Russia exhibition at the Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy – also known as the VDNKh – which Putin was meant to attend, but his appearance was cancelled earlier this week.

Russia rarely comments on rumours around Putin's health, but has now done so three times in two weeks.

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