Why should you buy whole coffee beans

When your favorite coffee is sold in both beans and ground, it seems a much more common choice to grab a pack of ground coffee so you can start brewing faster. However, buying whole beans has its benefits – for example, whole coffee beans stay fresh longer than pre-ground coffee. When coffee beans are ground, they expose a larger surface area to air, speeding up the oxidation process. By purchasing whole beans and grinding them just before brewing, you get a fresher cup of coffee with a bolder flavor. Additionally, the volatile compounds responsible for the rich aroma of coffee begin to dissipate once the beans are ground. Whole grains retain these flavor compounds better, allowing you to enjoy the full olfactory experience when you grind them fresh. Besides:

  • When you buy single origin green coffee, you have the option of grinding them to the coarseness or fineness that suits your preferred brewing method — whether that’s a coarse grind for a French press or a fine grind for espresso.

  • By keeping the beans intact just before brewing, you maintain the integrity of the coffee’s flavor profile, delivering a stronger, more subtle taste.

  • Whole coffee beans have a longer shelf life than ground coffee and, when properly stored in an airtight container, can maintain their quality for a longer period. Ground coffee, due to its increased surface area, is more susceptible to oxygen, light and moisture.

  • Many specialty coffees are available exclusively as whole beans. By purchasing whole beans, you have access to a wider selection of high-quality single-origin and specialty coffees that may not be offered pre-ground.

  • Whole grains are usually sold in larger, more environmentally friendly packaging and can be stored in reusable containers.

  • Grinding your own coffee gives you the opportunity to participate in the coffee-making process and improves your understanding of the factors that influence flavor. It allows you to experiment with grind sizes, brewing methods, and bean varieties, deepening your understanding of the intricacies of coffee brewing.

Purchasing whole coffee beans gives you the opportunity to enjoy a fresher, more aromatic and individual coffee taste. This allows you to preserve the flavor of your beans, experiment with grind sizes, and have access to a wider variety of coffee drinks.