Belgian prison officers held jacuzzi orgies and refused to work before sex

Belgium’s largest prison is facing a scandal involving ten guards and staffers accused of organising wild sex parties, according to a report by Belgian news outlet Sudinfo.

The allegations suggest that employees at Lantin Prison had jacuzzi orgies, and using colorful bracelets to determine their sex partners.

This occurred after work hours and during their shifts. One staff member, described as a “nymphomaniac,” allegedly demanded sex from co-workers during working hours, with claims that her ability to perform her job was contingent on such encounters.

The reported orgies took place primarily after work, frequently in a jacuzzi owned by a male guard referred to as “P.”

During these gatherings, the employees would reportedly draw colorful bracelets at random to determine their chosen partners for the evening.

The employee known as “S” was singled out as the alleged “nymphomaniac” who, according to an anonymous source, insisted on engaging in sexual activities during work hours.

The source claimed that from 6am, “S” would make it known that she couldn’t perform her duties without engaging in sexual encounters.

A senior official at the prison also allegedly permitted “S” to use his office for sexual activities with co-workers during her shift.

The anonymous source further revealed that her brother was reportedly an inmate at the facility, convicted for murdering a gay man.

The owner of the jacuzzi reportedly faced a ban from entering the women’s wing of the prison after allegedly engaging in sexual activities with female inmates. The fate of other staffers involved in similar activities remains unclear.

Facing these allegations, the ten employees are now subject to an official inquiry, with prison officials conducting a thorough investigation into the claims.

Belgium’s Federal Public Service Justice Department acknowledged the ongoing internal investigation and hinted at the possibility of disciplinary action pending the inquiry’s outcome.

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