Chilling voice note ‘behind Dublin riots’ ordered thugs to ‘kill all immigrants’

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Dublin descended into violence and chaos on Thursday night, with police officers attacked and buses and a tram set on fire.

The disturbing voice note believed to have been behind the riots in the Irish capital has now been revealed.

The voice note was posted to a private Telegram group of self-proclaimed Irish ‘patriots’ called ‘Enough is Enough’ at 5:22pm, just hours after a horrifying knife attack in the city.

A sinister one-minute message on the far-right group chat began with an order to “kill all immigrants,” the Daily Mail reports.

This was fueled by unsubstantiated speculation that the person behind the knife attack was a foreign national.

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It has since been reported that the attacker had lived in Ireland for some 20 years, according to the Irish Times.

The hateful voice note said: “If there is any guards in this group you can go f*** yourself as well.

“You have blood on your hands you f***ing accommodated.”

The unidentified mob leader launched into a violent plan for the evening: “If they start acting the b***ix, we just make a load of little small groups, have one, say at O’Connell Street.

“Have one up at Grafton Street, have one at Smithfield. They can’t control us all.

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“Let’s have little groups splintering off, doing what we got to do. Seven o’clock, be in town.

“Everyone bally up, tool up. And any f***ing g**o, foreigner, anyone, just kill them. Just f***ing kill them.

“Let’s get this on the news, let’s show the f***ing media that we’re not a pushover.

“That no more foreigners are allowed into this poxy country.

“No f***ing more. Enough is enough. As the title says, this is it, this is the straw that broke the camel’s back.

“You touch our f***ing kids and this is the repercussions. And no Garda, no politician is going to stop us.”

Followers on the Telegram app praised the tirade, and called for “blood to be spilled”.

After the hateful message, around 500 violent thugs gathered in central Dublin that evening and clashed with police amid chaotic scenes.

The Dublin police, the Garda, say the unrest was fuelled by a “complete lunatic faction driven by far-right ideology”.

The Taoiseach Leo Varadkar said that the knife attack and the violence which followed had brought “shame on Ireland”.

Meanwhile, the five-year-old girl at the centre of the stabbing attack remains fighting for her life at CHI Temple Street.

The childrens’ care assistant, a woman aged in her 30s, is in a serious but stable condition in The Mater Hospital.

The two other children, a five-year-old boy and a six-year-old girl, suffered less serious injuries, and have both been discharged.

A man, aged in his late 40s, who is a “person of interest” in the attack, is in a serious but stable condition in a hospital in Dublin.

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