Disaster for Putin as 5 top Russian officials killed in air strike

Vladimir Putin may have been dealt a massive blow as Ukraine claimed to have killed five Russian officials.

The National Resistance Centre, a branch of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, wrote on the messaging app Telegram Kyiv targeted with a missile strike a building in which was taking place a meeting attended by Russians.

The attack was launched on November 28 in Yuvileyne, a village in the part of the Kherson reason currently held by Russian forces.

The strike was launched in the wake of “information provided by the underground and concerned local residents”, the post read.

As a result of successful actions, the Centre went on to claim, “five high-ranking officials are known to have died”.

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The centre didn’t provide the names or ranks of the officials.

The post also included pictures of a two-storey building, believed to have been targeted by the Ukrainian attack, with its roof and facade partially destroyed and windows blown out.

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