Kim Jong-un forcing North Koreans to sing new hymn praising his power of love

Citizens in North Korea have been reportedly ordered to sing a song hailing the country’s dictator Kim Jong-un ahead of any social event.

The hymn describes the grandson of North Korea’s founder Kim Il-sung as “the wisest of 10 million” who “cultivates the best paradise with the power of love for our everlasting happiness”.

The order about the Hymn of General Kim Jong-un is said to have been issued this month and aims at replacing the Hymn of General Kim Jong-il, the dictator’s father and predecessor.

Despite Kim taking on the role of Supreme Commander of the Korean People’s Army in late 2011, the song singing the praises of his father has remained in use.

The ode to Kim’s father had been in use since 1997, after replacing the hymn crafted for the father of the hermit nation.

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The Hymn of General Kim Jong-un isn’t the only change to be made to the daily routine of North Koreans, as they are now also reportedly ordered to end any event with the song “We Will Defend General Kim Jong-un at the Cost of Our Lives”.

The claims regarding the new use of these songs came from a resident living in North Hamgyong, the northernmost part of the country.

Speaking on condition of anonymity to non-profit corporation Radio Free Asia, the resident said: “[Kim] had us starting events with songs about his ancestors even after 10 years in power, [because at first] he had no political base … and wanted to emphasise the legitimacy of his succession.”

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The resident explained the songs being introduced this month are not new.

Rather, they have been performed on a few occasions in past years, including in 2015, when the hymn was sung by the army during celebrations for Victory Day, the North Korean holiday marking the anniversary of the 1953 armistice ending the Korean War.

Another resident, living in North Pyongan, claimed to the news outlet many North Koreans aren’t happy to be ordered to sing the praises of Kim as the country is reportedly experiencing severe food shortage.

They said: “Residents are struggling with more severe living difficulties than during the Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il eras.

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“However we are told to praise [Kim Jong-un] and defend him with our lives. It’s simply too hard to believe.”

The grip the North Korean government has on people’s lives makes it almost impossible for citizens to rebel against its orders.

While the North Korean government has denied claims it can’t provide for its citizens, Kim ordered his officials in May to engineer a “fundamental transformation” in agricultural production.

Despite the reported struggle of North Koreans, the country’s leadership continues to spend money on the military, including a spy satellite it has been testing for months and is said to have successfully launched this month.

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