Lucy Letby dubbed Mary Poppins psycho who carried bag of remedies to wow pals

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    Evil Lucy Letby spent years crafting a cosy motherly “Mary Poppins” persona.

    Britain’s most prolific baby killer, 33, was known as a “nannying” figure among her friends from her mid-teens.

    They told how she lugged around a Poppins-style bag of tricks packed with remedies to dish out in medical emergencies.

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    Friends say her rucksack was full of plasters for cuts, antiseptic wipes for grazes and even spare tampons.

    Jade Thomas, 33, a pal of the Letby family, recalled: “She was definitely focused and career-driven even from a young age.

    “But if there was an opportunity to go out with someone, I don’t think she would’ve turned it down because she wanted to settle down and have children of her own.”

    Detectives who caught Letby described her as having a “beige” personality and of being a seemingly “normal twentysomething”. But they also admitted she had “another side to her that nobody saw”.

    The “angel of death” was found guilty on Friday of murdering seven babies on the neo-natal unit at the Countess of Chester Hospital in Cheshire and the attempted murder of six others.

    Police are now looking into 4,000 other babies under her care.

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    In a year-long murder spree, starting in 2015, Letby injected her victims with air, force-fed milk to others and poisoned two youngsters with insulin.

    During her 10-month trial at Manchester Crown Court, Nick Johnson KC, prosecuting, said Letby enjoyed “playing God”.

    Officers who raided her home found scrawled notes, including one which said: “I’m evil, I did this.”

    Probe into 'angel of death'

    A probe into Letby’s crimes will not go far enough, it is claimed.

    An independent inquiry has been ordered following the nurse’s convictions.

    But it is not a statutory inquiry so will not have the power to summon evidence or witnesses.

    MP Samantha Dixon called for a judge-led hearing. And former North West CPS chief Nazir Afzal said the recommendations of a non-judicial inquiry into nurse Victorino Chua, who murdered patients at a hospital in Stockport in 2011, had still not been fully implemented.

    He said a judicial inquiry had “authority behind it”. Meanwhile, Letby’s refusal to be in court was branded a “final insult” to victims and their families.

    She was absent for some verdicts and will not attend sentencing tomorrow, when loved ones give personal statements.

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